Occasional News

Public Footpath - Temporary Closure from 3rd August 2023 for 6 months; but has remained closed up to 3rd January 2025 where an additional period has been issued because the repair work to the bridge over the ditch needs to be performed in the dry summer of 2025.

Occasional News

The Pound is finished!

The restoration project to rebuild the Pound of Pound Lane has been completed!  Everyone is welcome to come and see it, take a break there or bring a picnic.

Pounds were essential adjuncts to the open fields that were unenclosed, with the growing crops prone to considerable damage by straying livestock. All the animals were the responsibility of their owners and were only released from the pound on payment of a fine. The feudal office of Pinder or Pound-Keeper was a necessary but unpopular one, which was often subject to abuse and occasional assault. Most medieval pounds were small fenced or hedged enclosures, though later brick or stone pounds such as the one in Over Whitacre were often constructed on the sites of former medieval ones. The Pound at Over Whitacre would have formed an integral part of the administration of the local affairs adjacent to the Heyne Field, the Moor Field and the Little Hill Field, and grazing would have been shared among all the members of the parish. A Manor Court, comprising a jury of twelve tenants, presided over by the Lord of the Manor, would have been held twice a year to ensure that good farming practice was observed, and that law and order was maintained. A member of the parish held the office of Pinder, or Pounder and it was his duty to drive straying stock out of the open fields and impound them here in the village pound, until claimed by their owners and the appropriate penalty paid.

Evidence of the Parish Pound in Over Whitacre survives in the name of the lane on which it is situated viz. Pound Lane. It is indicated on current maps which locate its exact position but at present it is not apparent.

The pound of Over Whitacre is one of the vestiges of our rural roots and the Open Field system which existed before enclosure. We are fortunate to have documentary evidence for the organisation and management of the parish system of Over Whitacre which survives. A map of Holt Hall estate of 1686 refers to the strip lynchets which existed at that time in the three open fields viz. The Hayne Field, The Moor Field and The Little Hill Field. The Tithe map for Over Whitacre of 1842 (CR 328-32) shows that alongside the Open Fields are Orchard Piece, (near Botts Green Lane) two enclosures called Pinfold Piece, and another called Pinfold Close, all of which are adjacent to the site of the Pound. Although parts of the Open Fields of Over Whitacre had been enclosed by the time the Act of 1819 was passed, 130 acres are mentioned in the Act which were subsequently enclosed. (HL/PO/PB/1/1819/59G3n121)

It is hoped that the Pound could be included in Local History Study units for the National Curriculum, Key Stage 2. By learning about the landscape, children would understand its economic, geographic and historical significance.


Local consultation on how we could help develop the Parish Hall


Future Heritage Trail

The ideal next stage would be to develop a heritage trail showcasing the field names from the Open Field System.  This would unfold as a three mile walk featuring the beautiful walk along the river Bourne on the south of the parish and through the valley running through the middle, and, naturally taking in the Pound and the only pub in the village.  The walk follows existing public footpath routes, however because the footpaths cross working fields with grazing cattle WCC have advised we cannot create a publicised signposted walk through these fields.  Back to the drawing board!

DAW MILL UPDATE 2024!  - Harworth Estates have proposed to do the right thing!

The first plan shows Harworth's new proposal to return the site to woodland, fields and to open the rivers within.  It is proposed to take 6 years to build this starting next year, so in 2031 we will have a significant nature area in the parish!  The second plan was what was in place when the site was purchased 10 years ago.

King Charles III Coronation Gift

Your Parish Council presented specially commissioned mugs to all 40 children living in Over Whitacre

Check it out
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